Dear Hawaiian Flight Attendants:
Your Negotiating Committee just finished a week of contract negotiations with management’s team. The session was marked by the sadness of Britt Reller’s tragic death as we all remembered a dear colleague and manager. Friday’s session was shortened due to attendance at the funeral.
Talks at the table were focused on the Reserve Section and discussions were detailed and intense. We got very close to an agreement on significantly improving the way reserves are assigned and giving more control to Reserves over their assignments. Near the end of discussions, however, management indicated a need to step back and do more study on the impact of some of the changes. While we were disappointed to not reach complete agreement, we are hopeful that the research they will do will result in
their commitment to agree to the system at our return to the bargaining table in August.
At the heart of the Reserve discussion is the conflict between how management wants to cover the operation and AFA’s desire to allow the FAs to choose their assignment. Our job at the bargaining table is to find a path that acknowledges the concerns of both sides and addresses those issues. We need a system that will work for everyone. Many components need to be considered. Therefore, we delved into a discussion on staffing. We worked through the Company’s budget model which projects FA staffing and studied historical staffing numbers. Management contends that sick leave may still be impacting covering the operation. Consequently, we requested data to investigate that claim prior to our next meeting.
Recall Pay Audit Update: September – December of 2016 has been audited, corrected, and submitted to the Company for review. Once it is approved, it will be paid out to the affected FAs. Work continues on the January-April 2017 records.
Trip Search Database: The Trip Search Database is up and running again. A special thanks to Martin Gusman who was instrumental in reviving the database.
Don’t be fooled by “Fake News” on negotiations! The “Real News” is issued by the MEC and the Negotiating Committee. Some truly amazing proclamations attributed to members of the Negotiating Committee have gotten back to us (spread on social media) and they are completely false. If you have a question about something you have heard, please email us at the address below to check it out. We are happy to answer any questions and clear up concerns. Our next negotiations session is August 14-18.
As a reminder, our email address is open and available for questions, comments, or suggestions. Our address is
Mahalo from the Negotiating Committee,
Sharon Soper, Diana Huihui, Ka'imi Lee, Martin Gusman, Jeff Fuke and
Paula Mastrangelo, AFA Senior Staff Negotiator